Paper – 1st
Definition of Research, Qualities of Researcher, Components of Research Problem, Various Steps in Scientific Research, Types of Research; Hypotheses Research Purposes - Research Design - Survey Research - Case Study Research.
Sources of Data: Primary Data, Secondary Data; Procedure Questionnaire - Sampling Merits and Demerits - Experiments - Kinds - Procedure; Control Observation - Merits - Demerits - Kinds - Procedure - Sampling Errors - Type-I Error - Type-II Error.
Introduction to Statistics - Probability Theories - Conditional Probability, Poisson Distribution, Binomial Distribution and Properties of Normal Distributions, Point and Interval Estimates of Means and Proportions; Hypothesis Tests, One Sample Test - Two Sample Tests / Chi-Square Test, Association of Attributes - t-Test - Standard deviation - Co-efficient of variations - Index Number, Time Series Analysis, Decision Tree.
Correlation and Regression Analysis - Analysis of Variance, Completely Randomized Design, Randomized Complete Block Design, Latin Square Design - Partial and Multiple Correlation - Discriminate Analysis - Cluster Analysis - Factor Analysis and Conjoint Analysis - Multifactor Evaluation, Two-factor Evaluation Approaches
Structure and Components of Research Report, Types of Report, Good Research Report, Pictures and Graphs, Introduction to SPSS.
Paper – 2nd
Classification of computers, computer memory, types of software’s: application of system software’s operating systems and types, single user, multi user, multi-tasking single tasking, application of computer for business and research.
Data communication concepts, local area network, wide area network, internet, intranet, extranet, website. Email, search engines-enterprise E communication and E collaboration
File handing in window, various versions of MS Office, M S-Word: Test formatting, Mail merge, Macro, M S-Excel: Features, various formulas and functions M.S. Power Point: Creating presentations and adding effects.
Introduction to SPSS: Definition, objectives and features, data analysis using SPSS: Data entry creating variables, switching to data labels, data analysis: Frequencies, recording into different variables, cross tabulations and layers.
INFLIBNET, Use of Internet, sights (DOAJ), Use of E Journals, Use of E- library, use of EBSCO HOST online database of Academic Libraries.
Paper – 3rd
Paper – 4th
The above phase of course work classes shall be completed in a semester. The university shall manage part time or continue/residential classes for course work.
Paper – 1st
Definition of Research, Qualities of Researcher, Components of Research Problem, Various Steps in Scientific Research, Types of Research; Hypotheses Research Purposes - Research Design - Survey Research - Case Study Research.
Sources of Data: Primary Data, Secondary Data; Procedure Questionnaire - Sampling Merits and Demerits - Experiments - Kinds - Procedure; Control Observation - Merits - Demerits - Kinds - Procedure - Sampling Errors - Type-I Error - Type-II Error.
Introduction to Statistics - Probability Theories - Conditional Probability, Poisson Distribution, Binomial Distribution and Properties of Normal Distributions, Point and Interval Estimates of Means and Proportions; Hypothesis Tests, One Sample Test - Two Sample Tests / Chi-Square Test, Association of Attributes - t-Test - Standard deviation - Co-efficient of variations - Index Number, Time Series Analysis, Decision Tree.
Correlation and Regression Analysis - Analysis of Variance, Completely Randomized Design, Randomized Complete Block Design, Latin Square Design - Partial and Multiple Correlation - Discriminate Analysis - Cluster Analysis - Factor Analysis and Conjoint Analysis - Multifactor Evaluation, Two-factor Evaluation Approaches
Structure and Components of Research Report, Types of Report, Good Research Report, Pictures and Graphs, Introduction to SPSS.
Paper – 2nd
Classification of computers, computer memory, types of software’s: application of system software’s operating systems and types, single user, multi user, multi-tasking single tasking, application of computer for business and research.
Data communication concepts, local area network, wide area network, internet, intranet, extranet, website. Email, search engines-enterprise E communication and E collaboration
File handing in window, various versions of MS Office, M S-Word: Test formatting, Mail merge, Macro, M S-Excel: Features, various formulas and functions M.S. Power Point: Creating presentations and adding effects.
Introduction to SPSS: Definition, objectives and features, data analysis using SPSS: Data entry creating variables, switching to data labels, data analysis: Frequencies, recording into different variables, cross tabulations and layers.
INFLIBNET, Use of Internet, sights (DOAJ), Use of E Journals, Use of E- library, use of EBSCO HOST online database of Academic Libraries.
Paper – 3rd
Paper – 4th
The above phase of course work classes shall be completed in a semester. The university shall manage part time or continue/residential classes for course work.