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Academic Credit Transfer

Concerned Degree Discontinued Studies

Transfer of Academic Credits

Scrutiny at Universities/Syllabus/Fail/Pass/Credits

Adimission Directly Final year (As per the pescribed guidelines)

One Sitting Degree : / Credit Transfer System

One Sitting Degree Courses India / Single Sitting Degree Courses:

It allow students to do Degree in various streams at a time through Credit Transfer System i.e., Granting Credits to a student another institution to Vijetha College.As per the UGC / Competent authorities’ guidelines to transfer credits from existing Institute to another chosen Institute.

In generally mostly check Transfer acceptance rate . Subjects / Credit Transfer Is a legal Procedure in India, which is approved by the UGC/ Govt. of India /Education Ministry/ MHRD. The Procedure of granting Academic Credit to a student for studies College / Institute is also called transfer of credits or advanced Standing.

Govt. Act / Ordinance of Credit Transfer / One Sitting Degree

Facilitation for Transfer of Credits to Other Universities/Educational institutions:

As per the Central Universities Act 2009 Govt. of India Ordinance No : 24 Transfer Of academic credits as per Section 6 ( 2 ) (iv), 28(1) ( 0) of the Universities Act 2009.

The maximum number of credits that can be accumulated by a student from other Institutions shall not exceed 25% of the total credits prescribed for the successful Completion of the Programme of Study. Students can get benefit of transfer of credits for graduate level courses completed at UGC-accredited institutions and other reputed institutions.

One Sitting Degree/ Single Sitting Degree / Academic Credits Transfer

Degree & PG Courses

BA , BCom, B.Sc , BBA, BCA, B,Tech, MA, M.Com, M.Sc computer science, MBA

Credit Transfer is accepted by UGC and the Government of India. Therefore, it is accepted for higher studies in India

Regular / Part Time / Online Mode


UGC/ Govt . of India Approval Copy


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