B.Ed, M.Sc Regular and Part time / online Educational Insitution
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Ph. D : Any Subject / Any Specialization : Duration : Full Time/Part Time : 3 Years(6 semesters).

P.G : Concerned P.G Subject will be permitted on Ph.D Specialization PG With 55 % Marks is Mandatory.

Entrance : Any Student for taking admission on Ph.D Course as per UGC Guidelines Ph.D Entrance Examination is Mandatory. Personal Interview at the time of Entrance with .ppt presentation.

Exemption : Any Student Passed UGC- NET / State SLET / M.Phil Exempted from the PhD Entrance Examination Direct Admission will be provided. As Govt. Guidelines.

Guide : Guide will be allocated by the University Only without any charges.

Co-Guide : Optional, co-guide is not mandatory student can take co–guide ( Ph.D Completed with 10 years experience

Fees : Student should Pay all the University fees at University Bank counter or Demand Draft in favour of University only.

Synopsis : University will provide Synopsis Format for Preparation.

Eligibility Criteria

Programme Qualification
Ph.D. Degree in Engineering and Technology. M.E/M.Tech./M.S. (By Research) on equivalent degree in the relevant branch of Engineering / Technology with 55% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade in U.G. and P.G.
Ph.D. Degree in Science and Humanities. M.Sc/M.C.A./M.A./M.S. (By Research) or equivalent degree in the relevant branch of Science and Humanities with 55% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade in U.G. and P.G.
Ph.D. Degree in Management Studies. MBA/M.S (By Research) or equivalent degree in the Management Studies with 55% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade in U.G and P.G.
Ph.D. Degree (Integrated programme) in any discipline M.Phil. with the completion of four course work pap (≥ 55% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade).(Candidates from Kalasalingam University who have obtained their M.Phil. Degree whose thesis evaluation has been completed (pending viva-voce) are eligible to proceed for Ph.D. degree under this category)
Ph.D. Degree in Architecture U.G and P.G in Architecture with 55% marks in aggregate or equivalent grade.

All degrees must be obtained from AICTE/UGC approved Institutions.

For SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) /PWD candidates and also candidates who had obtained their Master's degree prior to September 19, 1991, a relaxation of 5% of marks (i.e., 55% to 50%) or an equivalent relaxation of grade may be allowed.

Programme Duration

Categories Min. (Yrs.) Max. (Yrs.)
For all categories of Ph.D. including course work period (except integrated) 3 6
Ph.D. (Integrated programme) 2 6

The maximum duration may be extended for a year under utmost condition with justification if the DRC recommends and the URB deems it fit.

A relaxation of 2 years may be given to women / PWD (>40% disability) candidates

Maternity / child care leave of 240 days may be provided to women candidates (once in the entire duration of Ph.D.).

Adminssion Process Flow Chart


PhD Syllabus

PhD Syllabus

Help Desk

Help Desk

PhD Disciplines

PhD Disciplines

Brief Information

Briet Information

Check List

Check List

Flow Chart

Flow Chart

Model Paper

Model Paper

Entrance Exam Syllabus

Entrance Exam Syllabus

NOC Form Employer

NOC Form Employer

General Information

General Information


Enrance Examination

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